Anger is a brief explanation of ADAPT's philosophy and strategy. It is a 5 minute video with classic photos of ADAPT Actions in the past. Narration with closed captions.
Deborah Cunningham is a brief explanation of her role at The Memphis Center for Independent Living.
About MCIL is a brief explanation of The Memphis Center for Independent Living.
Colorado Health Elevations story of Ed, with an interview of Tim Wheat.
ADPAT Rocks Little Rock Photo slide show of the 2015 ADAPT Action in Little Rock
Noah Wyle speaks to ADAPT
My Medicaid Matters! ADAPT Action in the Cannon Building 2012; 76 activists are arrested including actor Noah Wyle.
ADAPT Rally at the Pennsylvania State Capitol
14 Days, 14 Photos by Tim Wheat is the photo show produced for the VSA Gallery in Denver Colorado for the tenth anniversary of the Free Our People March. Closed Captions.
Greg Nix is a short video about Greg Nix.
Donate to ADAPT is a short video about ADAPT with a request to donate. Closed Captions.
About ADAPT is a short video about ADAPT with no request to donate. Closed Captions.
ADAPT takes over the Cannon Building is about the ADAPT Action in 2012 where ADAPT took over the Rotunda of the Cannon House Office Building in Washington DC. Closed Captions.
ADAPT and HUD is a brief history of the ADAPT Actions that have targeted HUD. The video is narrated by Stephanie Thomas. Closed Captions.
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